Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dear Jack..

Today was a pretty big day for you.  After wanting a cell phone for what seems like FOREVER, you finally got one.  I know it's nothing fancy.  Your friends have phones that are WAY better than yours.  And, it will be awhile before you forgive us for not getting you texting.  But, you finally have a phone. 

You didn't just get the phone for nothing either.  You got on Honor Roll your first card marking period of middle school!!  We are so proud of you Jack!  Everyone says that middle school is difficult.  And, I have no doubt that we will have our challenges.  This will not be smooth sailing for the next three years, but you have started out wonderfully.  I am amazed at how much you are trying to get yourself organized.  

Your competitveness is really helping you want to get good grades.  You have developed great study habits while managing a full schedule of football too.  In other words, You are kickin' it dude!  (don't worry, I won't ever say that in front of your friends.

So, have fun with your new phone.  I hope you get as many phone calls as you hope.  And use it wisely, son.  I know you will.  More importantly, congratulations on doing great in school.  Keep up the great work!  I know you will do that too!

Love, Mom

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